WaPo Reinvents Its Corruption Standard To Cover For The ‘Big Guy’

Article originally appeared on thefederalist.com.

The Washington Post established itself as the premier public relations partner for the Biden family this weekend in a laughable article that purported to summarize its “review” of Hunter Biden’s career. The left-leaning outlet’s “reporting,” however, instead peddled to Americans a mythical tale that not only moved the goalposts for judging misconduct but whitewashed the entire field of the family’s influence-peddling scheme — details of which now confirm President Biden personally profited from the corruption.

“I have never discussed, with my son or my brother or with anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses. Period,” then-presidential candidate Joe Biden proclaimed in an August 2019 statement to reporters. Since then, overwhelming evidence has established Biden, while vice president, not only spoke with Hunter and Jim Biden about their business, but also met or talked with various investors including foreign officials, and later received money that originated from those same “business” partners.

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