House Oversight Members Confirm President Biden Was Present During Son’s Foreign Business Phone Calls

Hunter Biden’s former business partner reportedly confirmed to the House Oversight Committee that President Joe Biden was on more than twenty calls with his son during a closed-door hearing on Monday, where Republican members pressed for details about alleged foreign business dealings involving the president during his time in the Obama administratio

Comer Hits DOJ Over ‘Odd’ Timing Of Letter Requesting Hunter Biden Business Partner Report To Prison

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said over the weekend that he believes that the Department of Justice is trying to obstruct the Committee’s investigation into the Biden family after federal prosecutors urged a judge to order one of Hunter Biden’s business partners to report to prison as he gets set to testify this week.

Hunter’s Former Best Friend Will Testify That Hunter Had Dad On Phone Multiple Times With Foreign Business Partners

In a direct challenge to the Biden family narrative, Hunter Biden’s former best friend, who served as a director of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma along with him, will reportedly say that Hunter Biden put his father on the phone roughly two dozen times as Hunter spoke to his foreign business partners or business investors.