Trump Campaign and RNC Report Crucial Fundraising Success: ‘We Are Going to Win BIG’
The demonic establishment has thrown nearly every conceivable obstacle in the path of former President Donald Trump. And it has only made him stronger.
The demonic establishment has thrown nearly every conceivable obstacle in the path of former President Donald Trump. And it has only made him stronger.
A prominent supporter of former President Donald Trump wants liberals to learn lawfare is a game both sides can play.
Democratic leaders have always used phoniness and fear-mongering to push their toxic ideas. Then, once implemented, those ideas have made everything worse.
President Joe Biden’s White House, in full-election-season thrall to the leftist base of the Democratic Party, had no problem desecrating the holiest day on the Western Christian calendar this weekend by saluting a “Transgender Day of Visibility” taking …
This year, as Easter and “Transgender Day of Visibility” fall on the same day, March 31, the situation is more complicated than ever.
Georgia lawmakers on Thursday approved new rules for challenging voters and qualifying for the state’s presidential ballot that could impact the 2024 presidential race in the battleground state.
Netflix’s latest hit show does what few Hollywood projects before it have ever done — it highlights the horrors of Marxism.
A rogue cop is quick to make the news, causing pundits to opine for hours, making generalizations about the entire force.
Political campaign strategists base the vast majority of their decisions on number crunching and hard analysis of past elections. But any strategist worth his salt will tell you they truly earn their living, …
What was described as a “mass casualty event” unfolded early Tuesday morning after a ship collision caused the spectacular collapse of a major bridge in Baltimore.