Witness to Sikh employees ‘a– whooping’ thief at 7-Eleven during calls it ‘courageous’ as police launch probe

Article originally appeared on www.foxnews.com.

A witness, who recorded a video of two 7-Eleven employees in Stockton, California, attempting to thwart a would-be robber from mugging their store called the employees “courageous,” adding that they did the “right thing.”

Police are currently investigating the Sikh employees for “suspected assault,” although no arrests have been made, Stockton police told Fox News. The suspect had gone into the same 7-Eleven during the same 24-hour time period and stole items, according to police.

Louis Benton, who recorded the “a– whooping,” stopped for gas at a 7-Eleven on his way home Saturday morning to buy a Red Bull. Benton witnessed a man in a blue mask dumping cigarettes into a giant trash can. At one point, the suspect threatened to shoot the people inside.

Benton, a life-long resident of California, told Fox News Digital the scuffle was caused by pent-up frustrations from dozens of prior robberies at the 7-Eleven. He said that a group of individuals who routinely gather outside the 7-Eleven at night and rob the store. ..

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