Biden Campaign Reports $21M Haul In February, Expands Financial Edge Over Trump Camp

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The re-election campaign for President Joe Biden reported on Wednesday that it had received $21 million in donations in February, expanding its financial lead over the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee to more than $50 million.

According to a report filed with the Federal Election Commission, the Biden campaign ended February with $71 million cash on hand, which, combined with the Democratic National Committee, puts the president’s war chest at $97.5 million, POLITICO reported. Biden now boasts of campaign funds more than doubling the combined money of the Trump campaign and the RNC, which has $44.8 million on hand.

Some of the Biden campaign’s biggest donors so far for the 2024 cycle include tech firms, labor unions, and leftist super PACs such as Democracy PAC II, which is supported by billionaire George Soros. Much of the Trump campaign’s …

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