Will UN Condemn Israel for Blowing Up ‘Hitler 2’?
Gaza, according to Hamas supporters, is suffering genocide. And what could be more genocidal than blowing up Hitler 2?
Gaza, according to Hamas supporters, is suffering genocide. And what could be more genocidal than blowing up Hitler 2?
Colorado has decided that the only people who should be allowed to pick the Republican Party’s presidential nominee are Democrat legislators and judges.
The Travis King case is already starting to resemble the Bowe Bergdahl case. King appears to have tried to defect to North Korea.
New York hedge fund manager George Soros has long been one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government power for years, even decades.
Remember when the Dems wept over “kids in cages”? That’s because they want them on the factory floor.
n May 2021, Joseph Borgen was violently assaulted by a Muslim mob while walking down the street in midtown Manhattan in the vicinity of an anti-Israel rally.
[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America. ]
Arguably no issue is less partisan, and more likely to unite people of every political stripe, even in our current state of hyper-polarization, than child trafficking.
Cancel culture, like most of our contemporary cultural revolution, began in China.
Around 90 A.D., the Roman historian Tacitus traveled through Germania observing the lives of its inhabitants.