Texas teacher fired after saying not to judge pedophiles harshly

A Texas teacher has been fired after a video emerged on Tiktok in which she appears to be defending pedophilia , according to The Daily Mail.English teacher Amber Parker can be heard in the 15-second video clip saying to a student, “Stop calling them that …We’re not going to call them that. We’re going to call them MAPs – Minor Attracted Persons . So don’t judge people just because they want to have sex with a five-year-old.”The incident occurred last week, and Parker was swiftly suspended. However, El Paso’s Independent School District board of trustees has since voted unanimously to fire her.But not everyone agrees with the board’s decision. Some students are defending Parker saying that her words were taken out of context.Ryann Ruvalcaba, a student at the school, told Fox17, “She [teacher] was expressing how it was ridiculous how we [society] might not be able to call people …

The Pentagon’s Pronoun Wars

In 2020, the Air Force conducted a classified war game which showed Communist China launching a biological attack and then invading Taiwan.

And we lost.

“At that point the trend in our war games was not just that we were losing, but we were losing faster,” Air Force Lt. Gen. S. Clinton Hinote stated.

With abysmal readiness rates that have an average of only 7 out of 10 planes operational, and down to 50% for the F-22 stealth fighter, 50% for the CV-22 Osprey and 40% for the B-1 Lancer, the Air Force isn’t even trying to win a possible war, but it’s fighting one for pronouns.

Gina Ortiz Jones, a two-time losing congressional candidate who wasted millions before being appointed by Biden as Air Force Undersecretary, declared that adding pronouns to the emails of air force personnel will make them “a more inclusive force”.

”An inclusive …

The Mandate for 2023 and 118th U.S. Congress

The pre-Christmas vote by the U.S. House and Senate to pass the $1.7 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill at a time when America’s balance sheet is in its worst condition ever is a sign post that financial collapse cannot be far away. Our nation is now technically bankrupt with liabilities significantly exceeding assets. And it gets worse every year with national debt now growing on a long-term annual basis at 8% or more, while assets (GDP) are growing on average at only 2.5 to 3% annually. Politically, our federal government is operating at ever new levels of dysfunction and corruption with diminishing accountability to the Constitution in either the spirit or the letter of the law.

Consider: the widespread failure of elected officials to uphold their oath of office; the political weaponization of the Justice Department and the FBI; the unequal two-tiered practice of justice and law enforcement; the flood of illegal immigrants and criminal …

Pelosi Announces Major Pay Increase: ‘Dear Colleague’

House staffers can expect a hefty pay increase in 2023 — courtesy of outgoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi announced that the House of Representatives would raise its maximum annual salary for staffers to $212,000 in a Friday “Dear Colleague” letter to fellow lawmakers.

Pelosi previously established a new minimum annual salary of $45,000 for congressional staffers, a policy she touted in the letter announcing the maximum salary increase.

The outgoing speaker pointed to the House’s need to “retain and recruit the best talent in our nation.”

The maximum pay is considerably more than the salary of most elected House members and senators, which is set at $174,000 a year.

NEW: Pelosi boosts max staff pay to $212k/year. That’s a lot more than members make, and part of a longstanding push to help retain Hill staff. pic.twitter.com/t0sB7APu2n — Chris Cioffi (@ReporterCioffi) December 30, 2022

In March, Bloomberg reported that staff turnover rates …

Idaho Murder Victim’s Father Tears Into Suspect: ‘The Little Coward…’

Authorities believe they finally have the man responsible for the brutal murder of four Idaho college students, Byran Kohberger, 28, in custody.

For the first time since Kohberger’s apprehension, the father of one of the victims, Steve Goncalves, has chosen to speak out.

Goncalves’s daughter, Kaylee, was one of the four victims. The others were her roommates, Madison Mogen and Xana Kernodle and Kernodle’s boyfriend, Ethan Chapin.

In November, the four were reportedly murdered in their sleep by someone carrying some sort of blade.

“The little coward that had finally got caught running,” Goncalves said, according to ABC News.

“I still think everyone’s innocent until proven guilty, so I put that in the back of my mind.”

When shown a picture of Kohberger in custody, Goncalves called the suspected murderer a “broken soul, pitiful human being.”

Goncalves is already looking forward to seeing Kohberger in court.

“This guy’s gonna have …

In upcoming book, ex-Capitol Police Chief Sund again ties Capitol riot to government intel failures

Ex-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund says a succession of government failures resulted in the Jan. 6 riot.

Sund, who resigned after the Capitol riot, makes the claims in a new book, in which he gives a firsthand account of the events on Jan. 6, 2021, according to The Washington Post.

He argued the federal government’s multibillion-dollar security network – built after 9/11 to gather intelligence about another possible attack – provided no such information about a potential riot.

Sund says the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and the Capitol Police’s intelligence unit had been alerted weeks earlier about so-called “chatter,” which is typical online, about right-wing extremists arming for an attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the day Congress was set to certify the 2020 presidential election results declaring Democrat Joe Biden the winner.

He says the intelligence community failed to take the basic steps to assess the alleged …

Kari Lake files petition to take appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court

Arizona GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has filed a petition to transfer her appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court after her election fraud lawsuit was dismissed.

Lake filed the petition Jan. 1.

The state’s Maricopa County court last week dismissed eight of Lake’s 10 counts. Two of the counts, which involved Election Day ballot printing issues and procedural errors, were brought for a two-day trial that did not go in her favor.

“I am standing up for the people of this state,” Lake said on former White House adviser Steve Bannon’s “War Room” TV show on the Real America’s Voice streaming platform.

Lake has not allegedly widespread voter fraud cost her the election, but argues problems with the state’s election system contributed to her narrow loss.

Maricopa Judge Peter Thompson has also rejected a request by Democrat gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs, who has …

2022 Men of the Year: The Troops

While the Biden administration has worked to demoralize America’s fighting force with draconian COVID vaccine mandates, the Washington Free Beacon continues to celebrate our brave men and women fighting on the front lines—and against the Democratic administration’s efforts to decimate the force.

Since the Biden administration implemented mandatory vaccine shots for all soldiers, an already strained fighting force has seen its numbers dwindle: Some 3,717 Marines, 1,816 soldiers, and 2,064 sailors have been discharged for refusing the vaccine. As if being vaccinated against a flu-like virus is necessary to fight in our important forever wars against enemies of freedom across the globe.

The administration was recently forced by Congress to drop its mandate, but no process was created for those who were lost from the force to be reinstated. And the White House still stands by its assault on the troops. …

Man of All the Years: Hunter Biden

Readers of this fine publication are well-versed in the fantastical misadventures of America’s First Son, Hunter Biden.

Hunter was 2019’s Washington Free Beacon Man of the Year and probably should have been for all subsequent years. And as much as he’s earned this year’s award, we just can’t bring ourselves to cheapen the prize by awarding him another trophy to toss in the back of his closet, next to the double-headed dildos and anal beads.

If we give him the title again, we’ll have to do it again in 2023, 2024, and beyond.

Because we know in our hearts that Hunter Biden will never stop being awesome.

He is the apex degenerate. Pure animal.

No one is ever going to consistently bring the goods to the highly secretive Man of the Year selection committee at the pace Hunter Biden does, year after year.

So we give up. No more deliberations, Hunter Biden is now and …

How Nutrients Affect Mental Health, the Importance of Good Nutrient Balance

Though medical science has made significant advances in researching and treating mental health diseases and developed new drugs each year to control the conditions and symptoms, mental illness remains one of the most persistent issues in society today. “Mental health problems are the single largest cause of disabilities in the world,” reported the Pan American Health Organization in 2019, before the ravages of COVID-19. The organization writes that depression, dementia, anxiety, and alcohol abuse are some of the major disabilities caused by mental health problems.

Research into the root causes of mental health issues has provided promising solutions. Walsh Research Institute, for instance, has made significant breakthroughs in research to unravel the biochemistry behind mental disorders, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

The successful application of research into nutrient-based therapy protocols and other alternative solutions …