Rep. Byron Donalds, “Every Republican should be a NO on the omnibus spending bill.”

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) is among House Republicans rejecting the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill, concluding that Americans are sick of bad deals and promising to stand against the measure, as well as against senators who support it.

“Every Republican should be a NO on the omnibus spending bill,” he wrote Monday night, prior to the 4,155-page bill’s release. Days prior, Donalds asserted that “Any Senate Republican that agrees to a 9 month omnibus spending bill will steal the ability for House Republicans to secure the border” and would therefore “be complicit in Biden’s border crisis!!”:

Every Republican should be a NO on the omnibus spending bill. — Congressman Byron Donalds (@RepDonaldsPress) December 19, 2022

Any Senate Republican that agrees to a 9 month omnibus spending bill will steal the ability for House Republicans to secure the border. You will be complicit in Biden’s border crisis!! — Byron Donalds (@ByronDonalds) December …

10 Steps to Save America

Most Americans know something has gone terribly wrong—and very abruptly—with the United States. They are certain that our wounds are almost all self-inflicted. The current pathologies are not a result of a natural disaster, an exhaustion of natural resources, plagues, or an existential war.

Crushing national debt and annual deficits, spiraling food and fuel costs amid “normal” seven-percent-plus annual inflation, bread-and-circuses entitlements, a nonexistent border, a resurgence of racial tribalism, pandemic violent criminality, and humiliation abroad—all these pathologies are easily cited as symptoms of a sick patient. Our crises are not as the Left maintains—a nine-person Supreme Court, the Electoral College, or the filibuster—all distractions from existential problems the Left largely created.

So, what are the therapies and prognoses for America?

In the spirit of constructive rather than blanket criticism, here is a partial, 10-point plan of national recovery.

Cut the Debt

Americans’ national …

Matt Walsh: History, Tradition, the family, liberty and Western Civilization are at stake

Addressing the crowd at Turning Point USA’s Americafest on Saturday, the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh spoke about the importance of truth in today’s world.

Walsh began by discussing the spread of “progressive” ideology, stating that these ideas progress like “cancer progresses,” rather than the progression of society.

“So what about us? Well, we call ourselves conservatives. And it’s almost a cliche now to ask this question, but what are we conserving exactly? Well, we are tasked with conserving all that is under attack: history, tradition, the family, liberty, Western civilization itself,” said Walsh.

“And underneath all of that is something even more fundamental, the most fundamental thing of all, which is truth.”

“Our first and foremost job right now is to fight for, defend, and promote truth, because truth itself is under attack in a way that we have never seen before in the history of the human race. …

Biden Crime family bribes paying off for Red China

President Joe Biden is set to pull a number of Chinese companies from a red-flag trade list, a move that comes as the Democrat and other administration officials stress the need for cooperation with the communist nation on climate change.

Biden’s Commerce Department plans to remove an undisclosed number of Chinese entities from its so-called unverified list, which includes foreign companies that the United States cannot tour in person “to determine whether they can be trusted to receive sensitive technology exports,” Reuters reported Wednesday. American officials must receive approval from China’s commerce ministry to inspect any Chinese company—approval that Beijing has been unwilling to grant in the past. Once the decision is finalized, U.S. exporters “will no longer have to conduct additional due diligence before sending goods” to the Chinese companies removed from the list, according to Reuters.

Both Biden and his climate czar, …

Why Does Funding Government Take $1.7 Trillion and 4,000 Pages?

The omnibus bill to fund government operations through September 2023 is out—all 4,000 pages of it. Despite the measure’s massive size and price tag, lawmakers’ aim is to rush it through both chambers of Congress by Thursday so President Joe Biden can sign it on Friday.

The text of the $1.7 trillion spending bill was just released by the Senate and House appropriations committees this morning, so everyone’s still scrambling to figure out what is in it and what is not. What we do know: Lawmakers are giving all sorts of government agencies and programs way more money than they did in 2022 and more than Biden’s budget requested. We also know it’s devoid of several good measures discussed as potential add-ons.

Tax Cuts, TikTok, Cannabis Banking, and Electoral Reform

Missing is the SAFE Banking Act, a measure to make it easier for state-licensed marijuana businesses to actually access banks and financial services.

Some tax …

Woke college pays $36 million to bakery they accused of being racist

Ohio’s Oberlin College paid $36 million dollars to Gibson’s Bakery and Food Mart, three years after the university lost in a defamation suit filed because its staff falsely labeled the store and its owners as racist for stopping a group of shoplifters in 2016.

According to local news, the attorney for the Gibsons, Brandon McHugh, said on Thursday, “We can confirm that all funds have been disbursed and that the family is continuing with the process of rebuilding Gibson’s Bakery for the next generations.”

In 2016, three black Oberlin College students were caught trying to shoplift from Gibson’s Bakery. The owners called the police and the three students were arrested and pleaded guilty. As part of their plea agreement they had to confess, in writing, that “their actions were wrong and that the store wasn’t racist.”

According to the New …

Lies, Lies and more Lies from Uncle Joe

President Biden claimed Friday that his uncle Frank Biden won the Purple Heart for his actions during the Battle of the Bulge in World War II — but there’s no evidence of the award and key details of the story are chronologically impossible.

The 80-year-old commander-in-chief has a habit of sharing false or embellished personal anecdotes to build a connection with his audiences and told his latest apparent tall tale during largely unscripted remarks to veterans in Delaware.

“My dad, when I got elected vice president [in 2008], he said, ‘Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.’ He was not feeling very well now — not because of the Battle of the Bulge, but he said, ‘and he won the Purple Heart and he never received it. He never got it. Do you think you could help him get it? We will surprise him,’” the president recalled.

“So …

Beware: Another ‘Cataclysmic’ Border Surge Is in the Offing


WASHINGTON, DC, Dec 19 — The border crisis has reached cataclysmic proportions. Unless there is a way to resurrect or replace the Trump era Title 42 protocols the invasion of illegal migrants will go well beyond anything we’ve seen thus far in President Biden’s come-one-come-all tenure.

Title 42 gave the Border Patrol the ability to instantly send some 2.4 million illegals packing over the past two years. It expires this week and, while efforts are under way to come up with an effective substitute as of Wednesday, December 21, it’s already resulting in increased surges of migrants at border towns such as El Paso, TX. City Manager Mario D’Agostino told CNN just a few days ago that some 2,500 have been crossing into El Paso every day; the town’s authorities are openly concerned that things will get worse once Title 42 is ended on Wednesday. If and when that happens, …

5 Warnings From Former Navy SEAL Who Used to Be Transgender

A former Navy SEAL who transitioned from male to female in 2013 decided to detransition this year, no longer lives as a woman, and regrets having advocated for being transgender.

Chris Beck, now 56, discussed his transition and detransition on a video podcast with conservative director-producer Robby Starbuck posted Dec. 1.

Deployed 13 times and the recipient of dozens of awards and accolades during a 20-year Navy career, including the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart, Beck was the subject of a 2014 CNN documentary called “Lady Valor: The Kristin Beck Story.”

During the two-hour video interview on “The Robby Starbuck Show,” Beck occasionally rambles, but his position on two things is clear: He regrets his transition from male to female and says children are too young to go down that path.

Here are five warnings from this former Navy SEAL.

1. Many gender transitions are due …

Leftwing celebrities addicted to twitter melting down left and right

Left-wing bomb-thrower and former ESPN sports talker Keith Olbermann posted a spittle-specked video tirade Friday in response to being suspended by Twitter boss Elon Musk.

Olbermann, who has spent the last few years often delivering profanity-laced attacks on everyone with whom he disagrees, was one of the “journalists” suspended for using their accounts to dox the whereabouts of Elon Musk’s family, and Olbermann did not take the ban particularly well.

With his own account shut down, the repeatedly fired Olbermann disgraced his dog charity Twitter account with his broadside against “Elon Muskleone.”

Appearing unshaven, hair askew, and wearing an NHL jersey, Olbermann went into another one of his wild-eyed, screeching monologues, this time comparing Musk to the fictional mob bosses in the movie The Godfather.

“What a friggin’ candy-ass, lying, hypocritical, self-contradicting, little, paranoid snowflake that ‘Apartheid Clyde’ …