Why Crime Will Explode In 2023

If you reward criminals with fewer consequences, crime grows exponentially.

So mark January 1st, 2024 on the calendar.

Today January 1st 2023, a new law goes into effect. The law will leave a major impact on the state of Illinois and the city of Chicago.

In some circles it is being touted as “the most dangerous law in America.” All for good reason.

The new law closely mirrors criminal “reforms” that have now been in effect for two years here in New York. In short it seeks to “right the wrongs” of “unfair” law enforcement and to press its thumb on the side of those previously disenfranchised.

This is mostly just a way to say that the woke left is attempting to bring down effective law enforcement in another big state, create chaos, and further allow that environment of anarchy to bring about their culturally marxist ideals.

We’ve seen the pattern across the nation. …

Now Ray Epps Admits He ‘Orchestrated’ Jan. 6 ‘Insurrection’

Ray Epps is the fellow who was caught on video multiple times telling pro-Trump protesters that they were going to have to storm the Capitol. Yet despite this clear evidence that he was a singular ringleader and instigator of what Democrats insist was an “insurrection” that threatened the very survival of our free republic, Epps has never been charged with insurrection or anything else, or even been arrested. Meanwhile, people who never told anyone to storm the Capitol have languished in prison without trial for nearly two years now, in shocking conditions. All this has given rise to the widespread and lingering suspicion that Ray Epps is a fed, a suspicion that Epps himself has just reinforced by telling his nephew that he “orchestrated” the events of that fateful day. Of course he did.

A transcript of a deposition of Epps with the House Jan. 6 Committee, dated …